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- 5 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 100 goto1910
- 110 rem
- 120 rem
- 130 rem
- 140 dimw(99,2):lv=0
- 150 w(4,1)=33:w(4,2)=5:forb=6to13:w(b,1)=21:w(b,2)=55:next
- 160 w(82,1)=129:w(82,2)=250:w(50,1)=129:w(50,2)=250
- 170 w(99,1)=21:w(99,2)=250
- 180 w(1,1)=17:w(1,2)=50:sl$=" "
- 190 w(3,1)=65:w(3,2)=15:w(5,1)=85:w(5,2)=30:w(26,1)=129:w(26,2)=25
- 200 x=2:y=1:cl=13:ch=82
- 210 print"[147]":poke53281,12:poke53280,12:d=.:x1=.:x2=.:x3=.:ok=.
- 220 fort=54272to54295:poket,0:next:poke54296,15:iflv>5thenlv=5
- 230 ad=1*16+0:sr=15*16+2
- 240 poke54284,ad:poke54285,sr:poke54282,0:poke54281,255
- 250 goto1210
- 260 print"[144]";:rempoke53265,peek(53265)and239
- 270 print"[147]":poke53281,12:poke53280,12:d=.:x1=.:x2=.:x3=.:ok=.
- 280 x=2:y=1:cl=13:ch=82:n=n+1
- 290 ml=1:loadf$,dv,1
- 300 ml=2:loadf$+"/c",dv,1
- 310 ml=3:on n goto1310,1390,1500,1560,1630,1710,1770,1820
- 320 stop
- 330 ifa$="d"thenprint""a$;:goto420
- 340 ifasc(a$)>69andasc(a$)<78thenprint"[151]"a$;:goto420
- 350 ifa$="p"thenprint"[144]"a$;:goto420
- 360 ifa$="z"thenprint""a$;:goto420
- 370 ifa$="[210]"thenprint"[153]"a$;:goto420
- 380 ifa$="[163]"thenprint""a$;:goto420
- 390 ifa$="[209]"thenprint"[154]"a$;:goto420
- 400 print"[153]"a$;:ifa$=chr$(32)then65535
- 410 ifa$=chr$(13)then440
- 420 ci=asc(a$)-64
- 430 poke54283,w(ci,1):poke54280,w(ci,2):poke54283,abs(w(ci,1)-1):goto65535
- 440 next:close2:goto530
- 450 close2:ifst=64then530
- 460 print"[144]":forg=1to7:printsl$:next
- 470 poke53265,peek(53265)or16:print" we're sorry...your file may not be"
- 480 print"loaded as commanded. please check disk"
- 490 print"in drive and press fire to try again..."
- 500 print"or consult instruction manual.thank you":printsl$:print"[145]";left$(sl$,19);
- 510 ifpeek(56320)=127thenpoke646,abs(peek(646)-1):print"o[157]";:goto510
- 520 print"":forg=1to7:printsl$:next:goto260
- 530 ifx=2thenprint"[144]o":poke53265,peek(53265)or16:goto550
- 540 ifx=12thenprint"o":poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 550 fort=54272to54295:poket,0:next:poke54296,15
- 560 ad=1*16+0:sr=15*16+2
- 570 poke54284,ad:poke54285,sr:poke54282,0:poke54281,255
- 580 ifpeek(56320)<>127thenj=peek(56320):goto620
- 590 q=peek(54272+(1023+x+(y*40))):poke54272+(1023+x+(y*40)),abs((q)-1):goto580
- 600 ifpeek(56320)=127andd<>2then600
- 610 j=peek(56320)
- 620 ifj=119thenx1=1023+x+1:x2=y*40:ifpeek(x1+x2)<5orpeek(x1+x2)=82then730
- 630 ifj=123thenx1=1023+x-1:x2=y*40:ifpeek(x1+x2)<5orpeek(x1+x2)=82then730
- 640 ifj=126thenx1=1023+x:x2=y-1:x3=x2*40:ifpeek(x1+x3)=1then730
- 650 ifj=125thenx1=1023+x:x3=(y+1)*40:ifpeek(x1+x3)=1orpeek(x1+x3)=32then730
- 660 ifj=119thenx1=1023+x+1:x2=y*40:ifpeek(x1+x2)=32orpeek(x1+x2)=99then730
- 670 ifj=123thenx1=1023+x-1:x2=y*40:ifpeek(x1+x2)=32orpeek(x1+x2)=99then730
- 680 ifj=111thenreturn
- 690 ifd<>2then600
- 700 ifd=2andsm=.thenj=126:goto730
- 710 ifsm=1then1140
- 720 goto600
- 730 ifd=2andj<>126thend=.:sm=.
- 740 x1=1023+x:x2=y*40:x3=x1+x2:pokex3,ch:poke54272+x3,cl
- 750 ifj=119thenx=x+1
- 760 ifj=123thenx=x-1
- 770 ifj=126theny=y-1
- 780 ifj=125theny=y+1
- 790 x3=1023+x+y*40:ch=peek(x3):cl=peek(54272+x3)
- 800 poke54283,.:poke54280,.
- 810 poke54283,w(ch,1):poke54280,w(ch,2):poke54283,abs(w(ch,1)-1)
- 820 ok=peek(x3)
- 830 ifch=3thench=5:cl=9
- 840 pokex3,15:pokex3+54272,0:ifok<>32andd<>1then600
- 850 ifok=2ord=2thend=2:goto1110
- 860 ifok=32thend=1:j=125:poke54283,21:poke54280,y*9:poke54283,20:goto730
- 870 ifch=99thend=0:goto600
- 880 x1=1023+x:x2=y*40:gosub1150:fort=65to73:pokex1+x2,t:forh=1to80:next:next
- 890 poke54283,0
- 900 ifok=3then940
- 910 ifok=19then940
- 920 x1=1023+x:x2=y*40:x3=x1+x2:pokex3,ch:poke54272+x3,cl
- 930 goto1160
- 940 on jp+1 goto960,990,1030,1070,950
- 950 end
- 960 ifok<>19then1160
- 970 ifjp=0thenjp=1:print"[147]you^may^advance^to^the^next^level[146]!"
- 980 f$="maze 2":lv=lv+1:forg=1to2500:next:goto200
- 990 x3=1023+x+(y+1)*40:z=peek(x3):ifz=32thenok=32:ch=5:cl=9:goto860
- 1000 ifok<>19then1160
- 1010 print"[147]next^level"
- 1020 jp=2:forg=1to2500:next:f$="maze 3":lv=lv+1:goto200
- 1030 x3=1023+x+(y+1)*40:z=peek(x3):ifz=32thenok=32:ch=5:cl=9:goto860
- 1040 ifok<>19then1160
- 1050 print"[147]next^level"
- 1060 jp=3:forg=1to2500:next:f$="maze 4":x=12:y=20:ch=1:cl=0:lv=lv+1:goto210
- 1070 x3=1023+x+(y+1)*40:z=peek(x3):ifz=32thenok=32:ch=5:cl=9:goto860
- 1080 ifok<>19then1160
- 1090 print"[147]that's^it![146]":end
- 1100 lv=lv+1:jp=4:f$="maze 5":goto200
- 1110 ifpeek(x3-40)=32thenj=126:poke54283,21:poke54280,y*9:poke54283,20:goto600
- 1120 ifpeek(x3-40)=99thend=.:j=126:goto730
- 1130 j=peek(56320):ifj=119orj=123thensm=1:goto620
- 1140 j=111:goto680
- 1150 poke54283,129:poke54280,5:return
- 1160 poke646,abs(peek(646)-1):print" you"
- 1170 print"died":x=2:y=1:cl=13:ch=82
- 1180 x1=.:x2=.:x3=.:ok=.:d=.:goto530
- 1190 print"[147]you were lucky this time[146]!"
- 1200 f$="maze 1":lv=lv-1
- 1210 print"[147][153] welcome to the all smiles tutorial [146]o"
- 1220 print:print" i will guide you through a series of"
- 1230 print:print"mini-mazes that are similar to ones you"
- 1240 print:print" will be traveling through in the real"
- 1250 print:print"game where your life depends on knowing"
- 1260 print:print" how to play. you are the [146]o. you move"
- 1270 print:print" with the joystick in port 2."
- 1280 print:print" press the fire button to begin..."
- 1290 ifpeek(56320)=127then1290
- 1300 f$="tut 1":gosub260
- 1310 print"";
- 1320 print" you may walk on the green floor."
- 1330 print" you may not pass through a brick wall"
- 1340 print" try walking left and right"
- 1350 print" try walking through a wall"
- 1360 print" notice the sound produced when walking"
- 1370 print" when you are done, press fire":gosub530
- 1380 f$="tut 2":goto260
- 1390 print"[153]";
- 1400 print"you may move up & down on black ladders"
- 1410 print"if there is a ladder above you, you may"
- 1420 print" move up."
- 1430 print"if there is a ladder below you, you may"
- 1440 print" move down."
- 1450 print"be careful of ladders that take you up,"
- 1460 print" but won't take you down and vise-versa"
- 1470 print"press fire when you are done."
- 1480 gosub530
- 1490 f$="tut 3":goto260
- 1500 print"[153]";
- 1510 print"[153]you may move across the dark green
- 1520 [153]" hand-over-hand bars."
- 1530 [153]"you may move left & right on them"
- 1540 [153]:[153]"press fire when you are finished.":[141]530
- 1550 f$[178]"tut 4":[137]260
- 1560 [153]"print";
- 1570 [153]"printyou may pass through the white doors"
- 1580 [153]"once the door has been passed through"
- 1590 [153]" it turns into an impassable wall."
- 1600 [153]:[153]"press fire to continue"
- 1610 [141]530
- 1620 f$[178]"tut 5":[137]260
- 1630 [153]"print";
- 1640 [153]"printtry jumping onto the waitb."
- 1650 [153]"as you move upwards, you may move left &";
- 1660 [153]" right onto platforms and such."
- 1670 [153]"experiment with the trampolines"
- 1680 [153]:[153]"press fire to go on."
- 1690 [141]530
- 1700 f$[178]"tut 6":[137]260
- 1710 [153]"print";
- 1720 [153]"printtry falling from the hand bars."
- 1730 [153]"notice you can fall long distances if";
- 1740 [153]" you land on another hand bar."
- 1750 [153]:[153]"press fire after testing this out.":[141]530
- 1760 f$[178]"tut 7":[137]260
- 1770 [153]"print";
- 1780 [153]"printnow let's see what happens when you"
- 1790 [153]" die."
- 1800 [153]"try jumping to your death."
- 1810 [153]"press fire when you are through dying":[141]530
- 1820 [153]"loadpress fire button to return to the "
- 1830 [153]"all smiles menu"
- 1832 [139][194](56320)[178]127[167]1832
- 1840 [151]53272,21
- 1850 [153]"load":[151]52,160:[151]56,160:[151]53272,([194](53272)[175]240)[176]4:[147]"as menu",dv
- 1860 [153]"loadnewcmdcmdcmd"
- 1870 [153]"load"[199](34)"all smiles"[199](34)","dv
- 1880 [153]"run";
- 1890 [151]198,5:[129]t[178]1[164]5:[151]630[170]t,13:[130]:[128]
- 1900 [128]
- 1910 [139]ml[178]1[167]300
- 1920 [139]ml[178]2[167]310
- 1930 [139]ml[178]3[167]260
- 1940 [139]ml[178]8[167]110
- 1950 [151]56334,[194](56334)[176]1:[151]53272,([194](53272)[175]240)[170]12
- 1960 [139][194](12288)[178]60[167]110
- 1970 ml[178]8:[158]57812"parts",dv:[151]780,0:[151]781,0:[151]782,48:[158]65493:[137]5
- 1980 [129]i[178].[164]255:[129]j[178].[164]7:[161]#1,a$:[151]12288[170]j[170]i[172]8,[198](a$[170][199](.)):[130]j,i
- 1990 [160]2:[137]110
- 9999 [128]
- 10000 d[178][194](186):n$[178]"as tut":[159]15,d,15,"s0:"[170]n$:[160]15:[148]n$,d
- 10001 [149]n$,d:[128]